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Why do the payslips have HIVE360 on them?

Payslips and P60s say HIVE360 because in the eyes of HMRC they are the employer if you do need clarity for legal or proof of employment reasons you can request a legal and compliance letter stating this from customer services. Call 0116 478 2077

What is my new PAYE reference number?

Your new PAYE reference number is: 120/EB91447.

When will I receive login details for the pension and how much is the minimum contribution?

The current minimum contribution is 5%, you will be contacted by Options Pensions within 12 weeks of employment with separate log on details, if you lose your log on details or do not receive them you can request them by contacting

How do I register on the portal?

The portal URL  – In order to register you will need to click on the ‘Register’ button and enter both your NI number (without spaces) and Surname, as this information is taken from your payslip in order to create your account. You will only ever have to register once, when this has been done you will need to click on the ‘Log In’ button going forward.

When can I view my payslip?

You will be able to view your payslip as soon as you have received your first pay, this will be uploaded to the portal where you will be able to register and log on. Once registered every month/week (dependant on the frequency of pay) you will receive an email to inform you a new document has been uploaded to the portal which will be your payslip.

How do I contact customer services?

Customer Services is open Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm telephone – 0116 478 2077

What happens to my payslips if I leave the company?

Once you have received your P45 you will have 4 weeks to view, download and save your payslips before the portal will be closed down. However, if you do need a historical payslip you can obtain this from customer services.


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